Lookie Loos

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The Prez

I watched the President last night, that's as much political information as you'll ever pry from me.  Literally anything else is on the table.  For reals, try me.  But people have been whipped into a frenzy.  I'm not going into the shark pool.  I'll wait it out quietly on the edge watching everyone tear each other apart without cause.  Someone told me a long long time ago to be careful which bandwagons I chose to jump on.  Word.

When my Beans were little, I felt it was my civic duty to explain the role of government, democracy, and politics to them.  I should have waited until they just a tad older to let them know my thoughts on the subject.  By the time I was done educating the Beans, they had been exposed to the dark secrets, the truth no one speaks of - well, except for those shady, veiled characters trying to get the masses on board with the existence of lizard people.  Illuminati confirmed!

Everyone knows there are no lizard people.  Instead, my little Beans were educated properly on the virtue of finding the source of news and so called "information " presented by the media.  At an early age they learned of how the government fed us lies - that's right, we KNOW about Big Foot and the space ship hiding in the Antarctic.   Oh yes, we know!  Boy, by the time I was done sharing with my little Beans they knew the world would end on the last day of the Mayan calendar and that the CIA had sleeper agents.  And of course, I couldn't leave out MK Ultra.  They were fully prepared to wear foil hats for the rest of their lives, but only inside since they listen through the electronic equipment.

Since I'm not into politics or jumping on bandwagons, I only provided them with the need to know basics so they could make their own choices later in life.  When we survived the end of the world - the Mayans were never really good at math - we started prepping for Armageddon of course.  Good times.

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